es gibt ja ein gutes Beispiel zum Erstellen eines Netzes in C# als Download. Allerdings fehlt darin ein Beispiel, wie man das Netz innerhalb von C# trainiert. Da ich nun eine ganze Weile benötigt habe, das herauszufinden, möchte ich hier einen Beispielcode veröffentlichen, um es späteren Nutzern zu erleichtern:
Code: Select all
using MemBrainLib;
using System;
namespace NeuralNets.Examples
/// <summary>
/// A sample code for working with neural nets.
/// The net has two output and two input neurons.
/// The task is, that it gets two equal input values and outputs these same values ///
/// </summary>
public static class MemBrainSampleCode
/// <summary>
/// Start the sample code which shows how to
/// - load a net
/// - create a lesson
/// - train the net
/// - save the trained net
/// - query the net
/// </summary>
public static void StartTrainingSample()
// load and prepare the net
NeuralNet net = new NeuralNet();
net.Load(@"d:\test.mbn"); // load a net with two input neurons and two output neurons, to fit the patterns below
// create a training lesson
Lesson lesson = CreateLesson(net);
// teach the net
TeachWithLesson(net, lesson);
// save the trained net
// query the net
double[] inputs = new double[] { 0.6d, 0.6d };
double[] outputs = Calculate(net, inputs);
// write the result
Console.WriteLine(string.Join("; ", outputs));
/// <summary>
/// Teaches a net wit a lesson
/// </summary>
/// <param name="net">The net to teach</param>
/// <param name="lesson">The lesson to teach</param>
public static void TeachWithLesson(NeuralNet net, Lesson lesson)
// teach 50 times
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
/// <summary>
/// Creates a lesson for the given net
/// </summary>
/// <param name="net">The net from which to take names and count of input/output neurons</param>
/// <returns>The lesson with the patterns</returns>
public static Lesson CreateLesson(NeuralNet net)
// initialize the lesson with the correct net size
Lesson lesson = new Lesson();
// adjust the input nodes (count and names)
for (int i = 0; i < net.GetInputCount(); i++)
lesson.SetInputName(i, net.GetInputName(i));
// adjust the output nodes (count and names)
for (int i = 0; i < net.GetOutputCount(); i++)
lesson.SetOutputName(i, net.GetOutputName(i));
// import the patterns, if you don't want to add them here programatically
// lesson.ImportRaw(@"d:\lesson.csv");
// add 10 patterns
// in this example, for each pattern, all the input nodes and output nodes should have the same value
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
double val = 0.1d * i;
lesson.SetPatternInput(0, val);
lesson.SetPatternInput(1, val);
lesson.SetPatternOutput(0, val);
lesson.SetPatternOutput(1, val);
// if you want to export the patterns (for loading into membrain)
// lesson.ExportRaw(@"d:\lesson.csv", 4);
// return the created lesson
return lesson;
/// <summary>
/// Lets the neural net think about input values and return the values of the output nodes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="net">The net which will think</param>
/// <param name="inputs">The values for the input nodes</param>
/// <returns>The values of the output nodes</returns>
public static double[] Calculate(NeuralNet net, double[] inputs)
// set input
for (int i = 0; i < inputs.Length; i++)
net.ApplyInputAct(i, inputs[i]);
// think
// get output
double[] outputs = new double[net.GetOutputCount()];
for (int i = 0; i < outputs.Length; i++)
double result;
net.GetOutputOut(i, out result);
outputs[i] = result;
// return the output
return outputs;