Printing to a Networked PC Printer (Windows XP) fails.

THis forum deals with questions related to the use of PSPad for editing and debugging MemBrain scripts.
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Printing to a Networked PC Printer (Windows XP) fails.

Post by MrCreosote »

We have a small office network with printers connecte4d to various PCs in that network.
EIDT: Problem encountered when printing from an XPpro machine to a Vista machine with USB HP 5500 printer.

I tried print script from the PSPad editor and got a "PSPad.exe - Application Error" in the window header with a "Printing in Progress" with a Red X at the top of the frame.

Here is a Copy of the Error Log provided in the window ;

Exception description:
Cannot print to printer on a PC on the Windows Network.

Even went to Printer Setu> Network> and installed the printer.

Printing in progress.

Exception class: EPrinter
Exception address: 00438A62
Stack list, generated 2/15/2011 1:50:00 PM
[00438A5D] Printers.RaiseError + $11
[00438FCD] Printers.TPrinter.CheckPrinting + $45
[004391EF] Printers.TPrinter.SetPrinter + $37
[0043DC23] Dialogs.SetPrinter + $47
[0043DD70] Dialogs.TPrinterSetupDialog.Execute + $80
[006A3380] uMain.TfPSPad.aPrintSetupExecute (Line 5390, "uMain.pas" + 4) + $4
[006B1A30] uMain.TfPSPad.ActionListExecute (Line 10676, "uMain.pas" + 8) + $7
[00483A3C] ActnList.TCustomActionList.ExecuteAction + $14
[00483684] ActnList.TContainedAction.Execute + $14
[00484343] ActnList.TCustomAction.Execute + $4F
[0042A74F] Classes.TBasicActionLink.Execute + $13
[00497273] Menus.TMenuItem.Click + $8F
[00498463] Menus.TMenu.DispatchCommand + $13
[0048B9DF] Forms.TCustomForm.WMCommand + $1F
[004A0BC8] Controls.TControl.WndProc + $188
[004A3C27] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $157
[00489A3D] Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc + $421
[0042146C] Classes.TThreadList.UnlockList + $4
[00433240] Graphics.FreeMemoryContexts + $98
[004A38A4] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[004A38B9] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $41
[0042B530] Classes.StdWndProc + $14
[004A3C27] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $157
[00489A3D] Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc + $421
[004F1255] TntControls.TWinControlTrap.WindowProc (Line 662, "TntControls.pas" + 19) + $5
[004A38A4] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[0042B530] Classes.StdWndProc + $14
[004F0EB8] TntControls.TWinControlTrap.Win32Proc (Line 550, "TntControls.pas" + 12) + $19
[0042B530] Classes.StdWndProc + $14
[0049015F] Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage + $83
[00490196] Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage + $A
[004903C6] Forms.TApplication.Run + $96
[006D7BB1] PSPad.PSPad (Line 55, "I:\Delphi7\Projekty\PSPad\PSPad.dpr" + 31) + $7
Program : C:\Program Files\PSPad editor\PSPad.exe 4.5.4 (2356)
System : Windows XP Professional, Version: 5.1, Build: A28, "Service Pack 2"
Processor: AMD, AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2600+, 2150 MHz MMX
Display : 1280x1024 pixels, 32 bpp
Active Controls Hierarchy:
TPSSynEdit "Editor1"
TfChildEdit "fChildEdit_2"
Last edited by MrCreosote on Tue 15. Feb 2011, 21:01, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 55
Joined: Wed 21. Jul 2010, 18:43

Re: Printing to a Networked PC Printer (Windows XP) fails.

Post by MrCreosote »


Appears that attempting to print Header is a problem.

If Header omitted, have found 2 behaviors:

PRINT From Preview:

Here, only one page can be printed.
Any subsequent attempt get different error of stringlist out of bounds.
So you have to exit program and execute program to print another, single, page.

PRINT From File>Print:

Have not verified if Print > All works but have demonstrated Print > From...To... works.
Have successfully printed an entire script file this way.
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