I've never used RPROP and have been trying to find URL's that would explain what I need to know. Are there any URL's you would recommend?
Also, if you have any tips/tricks/hazards using RPROP, that would be helpful.
Thanks so much,
PS. With my previous platform, I was using BP w/Momentum. Sizing step size and momentum was basically trial and error, however, this is what I eventually settled on for my analysis:
1) Set momentum to 0.9 (the max value 1.0 would result in the following weighting: 50% of the previous step and 50% of the future step),
2) Then pick a learning rate that produced the smallest error after training for about 5 minutes.
3) Although a time series, do random pattern selection so that momentum acted as a "scattering perturbation" that would help deal with local minima.
Granted, issues with local minima could be encountered that could be dealt with using a massively manual approach, however, I never had the luxury of having so much time to do that. So that is how I arrived at my method.
Leaning to use RPROP: Suggestions/References?
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- Joined: Wed 21. Jul 2010, 18:43