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'Minimize Window'-Bug in MemBrain

Posted: Fri 7. Aug 2009, 10:35
by Admin
I've been notified about a bug in MemBrain that I want post here together with a workaround that helps getting around it:

The bug affects the following four MemBrain child windows:

Trace Window
Net Error Viewer
Pattern Error Viewer
External Neuron Manager

If one of these windows is minimized and MemBrain itself is closed in this state then the windows can not be restored/maximized again when MemBrain is restarted. Even re-installing MemBrain won't help.

The following workaround can be used to restore MemBrain's default settings which includes the states of the mentioned windows:

Navidate to
C:\Documents And Settings\<User Name>\Application Data\MemBrain\Config

and watch out for the file 'Settings.cfg'.

Close MemBrain, delete this file and restart MemBrain. Everything except for the teacher settings will be restored to default values and the windows can be re-opened.

Kind regards, a fix for this will be available soon.

Re: 'Minimize Window'-Bug in MemBrain

Posted: Fri 7. Aug 2009, 13:21
by Admin
The bug has been fixed and MemBrain version has just been released.

After installation of this release the window positions are at defaults again and from there on correctly stored.

Kind Regards