MemBrain Neural Network Editor + Simulator User Forum
Für deutschsprachige Benutzer: Die Default-Sprache des Boards ist englisch. Bei der Registrierung kann die Boardsprache auf deutsch umgestellt werden! Für englische und deutsche Beiträge gibt es getrennte Forenbereiche.
Feedback and Suggestions Want to provide feedback to MemBrain or post/discuss suggestions for improvements or new features? Detected a bug that should be resolved in a future version?
Then this is the right place for your contribution!
All about using MemBrain Have specific questions about how to work with certain MemBrain features? Not sure about which checkbox in MemBrain has which effects? Want to know if a certain functionality is available in MemBrain or not?
Project Support You work on a certain topic or data set and don't know how to start off with it using MemBrain? Not sure if your net design matches your problem or if there is room for optimization? Is it reasonable at all to approach your problem with NNs? Is MemBrain the correct tool to accomplish your task and to match your infrastructure?
Scripting This forum is dedicated to everything about MemBrain Scripting. All Questions or other contributions with respect to scripting should be placed here.
Especially, if you have an interesting script that you might want to share with other MemBrain users, please post it within a new topic in this forum. Try to choose a title for your topic that allows other users to quickly identify the basic purpose of your script.
Miscellaneous Topics You are not quite sure where to place your question or issue? You want to suggest a new forum or want to provide feedback to the board itself?