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by MrCreosote
Tue 27. Jan 2015, 02:23
Forum: Feedback and Suggestions
Topic: Release Dates for the Version History?
Replies: 2
Views: 18298

Release Dates for the Version History?

The Version History is awesome.

Release Dates would allow "improvements over the past 5 years" to be determined.

by MrCreosote
Fri 12. Jul 2013, 21:57
Forum: Feedback and Suggestions
Topic: Version History would be nice to see new improvements.
Replies: 1
Views: 15896

Version History would be nice to see new improvements.

I have been away from using Membrain for at least 3 years and was wondering what new features it has.

by MrCreosote
Thu 10. Mar 2011, 01:32
Forum: Feedback and Suggestions
Topic: Cross Entropy Error: User Defined Issue Maybe?
Replies: 3
Views: 23323

Re: Cross Entropy Error: User Defined Issue Maybe?

I will try to find the reference, but I believe the derivative they use is a "combination of" the activation function AND the CEE.

NOTE: Just thinking: If it is d(E)/dw then the activation is involved since it is required to calculate E (or CEE in our case.)

It is made clear in a number of papers ...
by MrCreosote
Wed 9. Mar 2011, 18:40
Forum: Feedback and Suggestions
Topic: Cross Entropy Error: User Defined Issue Maybe?
Replies: 3
Views: 23323

Cross Entropy Error: User Defined Issue Maybe?

QUESTION: If user specified error function, aren't user specified partial derivatives of the error function also required for back-propagation ?

First, it is difficult to find the actual formula for this error type. The one that I like the best is how MathWorks tells users how to user define it ...
by MrCreosote
Mon 21. Feb 2011, 21:56
Forum: Feedback and Suggestions
Topic: THANK YOU! for Shotgun. Fixed delta option?
Replies: 2
Views: 19220

THANK YOU! for Shotgun. Fixed delta option?

The % change results in a "shotgun blast diameter" that varies in each weight dimension by the size of the weight.

If 2 weights, would get an ellipse in xy plane or elipsoid in xyz plane.

If we want a spheroid in xyz plane, need a constant fixed delta applied to weights.

Should be simple to ...
by MrCreosote
Tue 15. Feb 2011, 20:59
Forum: PSPad
Topic: Printing to a Networked PC Printer (Windows XP) fails.
Replies: 1
Views: 18826

Re: Printing to a Networked PC Printer (Windows XP) fails.


Appears that attempting to print Header is a problem.

If Header omitted, have found 2 behaviors:

PRINT From Preview:

Here, only one page can be printed.
Any subsequent attempt get different error of stringlist out of bounds.
So you have to exit program and execute program to ...
by MrCreosote
Tue 15. Feb 2011, 20:01
Forum: PSPad
Topic: Printing to a Networked PC Printer (Windows XP) fails.
Replies: 1
Views: 18826

Printing to a Networked PC Printer (Windows XP) fails.

We have a small office network with printers connecte4d to various PCs in that network.
EIDT: Problem encountered when printing from an XPpro machine to a Vista machine with USB HP 5500 printer.

I tried print script from the PSPad editor and got a "PSPad.exe - Application Error" in the window ...
by MrCreosote
Mon 29. Nov 2010, 19:58
Forum: Scripting
Topic: Can Weights be modified via Script?
Replies: 3
Views: 19131

Re: Can Weights be modified via Script?

I can see how to Create a Link between two different nodes:

void ConnectInputToOutput()

however, I cannot see how to select the Link so I can get at its Properties.

Maybe the commands:

void SelectLinksFromExtra() and
void SelectLinksToExtra() ?

Could find no examples of Link editing in ...
by MrCreosote
Mon 22. Nov 2010, 19:19
Forum: Scripting
Topic: Can Weights be modified via Script?
Replies: 3
Views: 19131

Can Weights be modified via Script?

I'm trying to do my own custom Randomization and I cannot see any way to do this. All the ways I have found require mouse selection.

Perhaps there is a way to modify the .mbn file?

Thanks in advance,
by MrCreosote
Fri 19. Nov 2010, 20:52
Forum: Feedback and Suggestions
Topic: Local Minima and Randomization Options
Replies: 2
Views: 17785

Local Minima and Randomization Options

Both Momentum and RPROP have to deal with not getting stuck in local minima. These methods do not have a lot of finesse in this area.

There are a number of things that can be done with randomization to jump out of local minima traps such as applying a dither reconnoiter when in the grasp of a local ...